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Writer's picture: PinstripePinstripe

Now then! Sometimes its good to take stock of the amount of troops you have available before committing to a new offensive, so here at Hogs HQ we thought it best to do the same for Lardcore!

Looking back at the very beginning of the project - we can see a large percentage of that time was spent getting assets running on the new engine alongside PlayStation hardware. Our first prototype in 2019 saw the first ever pig model being attached to the game's character rig, but at this point it was less about how the game was looking, and more about how all the technical aspects were functioning during gameplay.

Fast forward to 2022 and we see the second prototype, this time with new textures, assets, cleaner animations, particle effects and a heavily detailed skybox. And this is where the project currently sits in the development timeline, the map of Mission 2's Routine Patrol has become a big melting pot for all the visual elements we're working on. For instance, the current pig models still have a long way to go in how they look, right now we feel they are too squishy and cute (don't worry, we took the communities thoughts on board here!), so you can look forward to seeing some of the new models in future!

In short, once the technical casserole is done cooking in the oven, it'll become much easier for us to distribute it across the rest of the game, rather than stretching ourselves too thin across 50+ maps.

There is a ton of development content coming your way very soon, so what we want to know in the meantime - is what do you want to see from us? Is there any part of our current development process you want to see or know more about? Let us know in the comments section over on our latest YouTube video, subscribe to the site for all future news/updates and feel free to email us on

A big thank you to the community for their continued support and patience with us, always know we are listening and that every viewer's ideas and thoughts are being taken in consideration & overall are very much appreciated!

Its officially zero hour! The Lardcore Socials are here! That's right, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and Mastodon - we have them all! We understand how important communication is between the project and its community, so consider this a direct link to the front lines!

Our intention over the next few months is to bring the community into our nice and cosy development trench to show you all what it is exactly we have been & currently are working on. There is a lot of avenues to cover, and a lot more to come, but we are very eager to hear from fans and players on our approach to all areas of the remaster.

A Kickstarter is on the horizon, so the Hogs of War community is going to play a vital role, not just the future of Lardcore, but the future of the franchise as we know it! For those keen for more details - check out the newly revamped Lardcore Page, upon which you'll find the links to all our social media pages, as well as some extra goodies (as a token of our appreciation my dear hog!). Its time to enlist, get involved in the discussion and have a front row seat to the fireworks! Join us tomorrow evening over on our YouTube channel for the premiere of our introductory video, see you there soldier!

Writer's picture: PinstripePinstripe

An update for the Hogs of War League ISOs & the Hogs of War Website has been released:

> Hogs of War League ISO File 1 has been updated, changes and patch notes include:


  • Larger high ground minefields removed, small minefields re-added

  • x3 Explosive barrels on island removed to make space for x3 new small buildings

  • Spawns adjusted, including removal of all pigs from poison island

  • Poison island Jetpack crate reduced usage from x3 to x2

  • Poison island Rocket Launcher crate replaced with x1 High Explosive crate

You Hillock

  • Jetpack crate position adjusted slightly to avoid first turn double collection

Route Canal

  • Madness Gas crate changed to x2 TNT

Pitch Invasion

  • Minefields not placed on the pitch have been removed

  • Health crates locked at 20HP


  • Low ground Spawn point adjusted to avoid first turn insta-kill zone


  • Weapon crates added: x2 Heavy Machine Gun, x2 Roller Grenades, x1 Poison Gas, x1 Poison Gas, x2 Rocket Launcher, x1 Healing Hands & x2 Medical Darts (drops on turn 10)

  • Health crates locked at 20HP


  • Spawns adjusted to avoid island insta-kill zone & high first turn water damage

Grassy Knolls

  • Weapon crates added: x2 Rocket Launcher, x2 Medical Balls, x1 Cluster grenade, x1 Suicide (equal placement on either side of the river)

  • Several starting spawns changed to avoid first turn high damage/grouping up

Frost Fight

  • Guided Missile crates set to x2 usage

  • 9 Rocket Launcher Weapon crates (all visible on low ground, original placed in a circle) have been moved & changed. These now contain: x1 Medical Dart, x1 Self Heal, x3 AP Mines, x2 Rifle Burst, x1 High Explosive Grenade, x1 Roller Grenade, x1 Airburst, x1 Suicide, x2 Mortar

  • x1 Jetpack crate changed to x1 Medical Ball

  • x3 Rocket Launcher crate changed to x1 Healing Hands

Chill Hill

  • x1 Freeze Gas crate replaced with x1 Self Heal

  • x1 Machine Gun crate changed to x1 Sword

  • x1 Machine Gun crate changed to x1 cattleprod

Pigs in Space

  • Map and spawns have been redone. Multiple spawns are now placed on top of Lunar buildings, including equal split of both teams having 1 pig placed up very high

Bridge the Gap

  • Metal walls have been added in each corner of the map on the low ground to provide small amount of defence against sniping

  • Lower spawns have been moved up to avoid first turn falls into the pit

> Hogs of War League ISO File 2 (New Maps) has been updated, changes and patch notes include:

Morning Glory

  • Several spawn adjustments to ensure teams are more mixed together & equally split across both sides of the map


  • x2 small minefields have been added, previous spawns positioned near these minefields have been adjusted


  • More mines have been placed along the outer edge of each island (watch ya step!)

Saustralia Stand-off

  • x4 Platforms added and spawns adjusted on top of these platforms

  • Health crate fixed and locked at 20HP

  • Pick Pocket crate replaced with x1 Suicide


  • Pick Pocket crates replaced with x1 Airburst crates

Barnyard Blitz

  • Extra walls added to avoid central wall jump skip

  • x2 Freeze Gas crates replaced with x2 Roller Grenade crates

  • x2 10HP Health crates removed

Hedgerow Warfare

  • 4 x1 High Explosive Grenade crates added across the map

  • Artillery position adjustment (both Artilleries are now in line with each other in the corners of one side of the map)


  • Low ground building made smaller

  • New building added in top corner of map

  • Weapon Crates added: x2 Medical Darts, x2 Homing Missile, x2 Rocket Launcher


  • Weapon Crates added: x3 Rifle Burst, x2 Heavy Machine Gun, x2 Flamethrower, x1 TNT

> Hogs of War League Page has been updated, changes and patch notes include:

  • Download to ISO has been updated (single download includes all three league ISO files)

  • Background and text colour updated

  • Info text updated

  • Map Pool List for 2023 updated

Further changes to the site will taking place within the next 2 weeks, so keep an eye out for upcoming updates! Good Luck to everyone taking part in the upcoming Grunt League!

homepage league.jpg

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