UK: £43 | EU: €50
Are you Legendary enough to own this jersey? Fully customisable! Change any of the following:
Name: Located on sleeve and back!
Number: Located on the back!
Flag: Located on the sleeve (Select flag and hit 'replace', proceed to choose via clipart section)
UK: £43 | EU: €50
The Middle League is no easy feit, are you tough enough to represent it? Fully Customisable! Change any of the following:
Name: Located on front and back!
Number: Located on the back!

UK: £43 | EU: €50
Starting off in the lower league, eh? Well not to worry, the Grunt Jersey is here! Rumour has it that wearing it increases your accuracy with poison gas by almost 50%! Fully Customisable! Change any of the Following:
Name: Located on the sleeve & back!
Number: Located on the front!
UK: £43 | EU: €50
This ones for all you casuals out there! Your support and viewership is greatly appreciated!
Fully customisable! Change any of the Following:
Name: Located on the back!